Table of Contents

1991: Takeoff
What is VR?
VR in San Francisco
Big Kids Play With Virtual Reality
Brenda Laurel Recalls
W Industries
Senate VR Hearing
Jon Peddie Recalls
The Holodeck
Tomorrow’s Realities
VR in the UK
Bob Stone Recalls
Bill Chernoff Recalls
Zippy in VR!
VR on $5 a Day
1992: Thank you, Mort!
Product of the Year
A Little VR Trivia
Nicole Stenger Recalls
VR Resources
CyberSpace: 1st Steps
Life on the Edge
Legend Quest
Lawnmower Man
Rheingold Recalls
VR: The Miracle Cure?
Force Feedback Glove
The Horvitz Test
Wheelchair in Virtual Reality
Metaphor Mixer
The Fall of VPL
Bill Chapin Recalls
Art in Cyberspace
Mike Macedonia Recalls
1993: Best of Virtual Reality
Military Virtual Reality
NASA’s Crystal Ball
Jim Kramer Recalls
VR in DC
VR and Disabilities
Informatique ‘93
NASA’s Training Vision
Sex in Virtual Reality
Caterpillar VR Tests
New HMD Tech
Virtual Worlds Center
Toni Schneider Recalls
Assistive Technology
The $1200 VR system
Mirror World Review
Issues with HMDs
Other HMD Issues
Art, Mind & Tech
1994: Howdy Hubble!
VR and Epilepsy
Virtual Therapy
Solving Real Problems
Cyberhead — VR Art
Handling Nuclear Waste
Virtual Brewery
VR Tests Best
1995: VR Pioneers
Autistic Children
The New CyberEdge
NTT’s CyberCampus
Jon Waldern Recalls
1996: Fear of Flying
Simulator Sickness
Sutherland Speaks
Gorillas in the Bits
Walk Anywhere
Truck DriVR
1997: In the Boiler
Jack Scully Recalls
The End
Saying Goodbye
Lest We Forget
Every CJ Winner